• Stand on one foot in front of a bench
• Sit back and lower yourself down to the bench in a controlled motion
• Stand back up, pushing through your heel while fully extending your hip and knee
• Repeat for the required amount of reps and sets
Muscle Group: Glutes, Legs
Resistance Band Crab Walks
• Double-up a resistance band and step into it so that it is wrapped around your ankles or knees
• Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and lower slowly into a half squat
• Walk to the left, then change direction after a few steps
• Repeat for the required amount of reps and sets
Chair Lunge
• With your torso as upright as possible, drop your back knee down toward the ground
• Go as low as you can until you touch the ground or you feel a slight stretch in your back leg
• Drive up with your front leg until you’re back in the starting position
• Stay on one leg until you’ve completed the desired number of reps, then switch
• Repeat for the required amount of reps and sets